Sunday, April 20, 2008

My poor cat

Snuggles, our 18 year old cat is in BAD SHAPE. He wondered into our yard years ago as a beautiful kitten, and never left. I am not one to be a lover of cats, especially when we have dogs. Over the years he has been shot with bb guns, been in numerous fights, had his ears almost torn off, etc. He has been the cat with nine lives and still going. Last winter we did not think he would survive another year. He is in our garage sitting next to a portable heater. Last winter he quit taking care of himself, as in fur balls and matted fur. He always had been such a well groomed cat. He can barely walk now, but he still eats his food. No one in this family has the "guts" to do something humane to him. My son -in-law Eric offered to take him to the west desert and shot him......... Natalie thought that was horrible. When the Wimmer's were getting ready to go camping a few weeks ago, Chloee asked if Snuggles was coming along to be killed. Judge for yourself:


Ashleigh said...

Oh, poor Snuggles!!!

Blogging to Blog said...

Someone needs to turn you into the Humane Society!