Friday, October 26, 2007

150 Anniversary: Mountain Meadows Massacre

In September Joel and I attended the weekend actvities of the 150 anniversary of the Mountain Meadows Massacre. We have always been interested in this event and have read numerous books on the subject. In 2001 we were on a wagon train that travel to Mountain Meadows. During that trip, we were leaving The Herb Young Living Farm in Mona on the morning of 911. We were on our way home when we heard it on the radio. The following weekend we spent in Cove Fort and the next weekend we were at Mountain Meadows. We camped there for the weekend. Our wagon train is the only one to ever camp there since the massacre. We had a church meeting put on by the local ward in Enterprise. After the meeting the flag was raised back to full staff. It was a wonderful experience for everyone. Here are some pictures of the events that took place that weekend of the Memorial Services.