Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Dave's Visit

Dave (Joel's brother from California) came to town for a visit.  His daughter Audrey had a new baby boy named Nox, who was born premature and he came to help with the grandkids.  We meet at the Orem Park for a dinner and get together.    We are always so glad to see him whenever!!!!!!

Jenny, Dave, Stacey, and Ashleigh

Jayda, Sailor, Phil

Halee, Phil ,Dave


Last Saturday our daughter Jenny and her neighborhood friends ran The Dirty Dash at Soldier Hollow.  What an event to watch.  Participants were dressed in all kind of crazy outfits for the occasion.  What a great spectator sport for all to watch.  Granddaughters Chloee and Olivia did the mud part just for fun.  Here is some of the fun:


This Sunday Natalie, Joel, Jayda and I went to the Sandy City Healing Fields to view the flags and the new statue. The magnitude of the thousands of flags representing the dead is overwhelming to say the very least. The Wimmers came up later and we got to see them touring the flags. Here are some pictures and memories of that day of remembrance.