Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Willie Handcart Company Trek/photos

Rocky Ridge

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Here are some pictures of our ward trek that was July 1-3 at the Willie Handcart center in Wyoming. We walked 8 miles- four miles to Rocky Ridge. We had a lunch break there, and then walked back to Sage Creek Hollow.

After the trek was over, we moved our cars and camped at Rock Creek Hollow. The weather was great, so a few went in the creek for a swim before dinner.

After dinner, the group had a meeting at the ampitheater at the burial sight. Some told of the history and stories of the ones that died and were buried there. Afterward, we had a testimony meeting. The next morning I went over and took some pictures, and meditated for a while, as I was by myself.


Cara said...

It looks like a great trip! And I am really glad you finally put up a post. I need my daily Sharon blog, you can't leave me hanging!

Nana & Papa of 16 said...

Wow,you guys look like you were having so much fun! I probably would have had heat stroke.

kelly said...

i love all the pictures. looks like you had a great time. pioneer trek is such a wonderful experience! i'm so glad i got the chance to be apart of it this year!

& thanks for visiting my blog!

Robyn Heirtzler said...

What a great trip! You know I've been to Rocky Ridge but never did get to Rock Creek Hollow where they buried so many pioneers. I have been thinking about it more lately though, especially after reading the new novel by David Farland, "In the Company of Angels."

They sure went through a lot to get to Utah...

Robyn Heirtzler said...

What a great trip! You know I've been to Rocky Ridge but never did get to Rock Creek Hollow where they buried so many pioneers. I have been thinking about it more lately though, especially after reading the new novel by David Farland, "In the Company of Angels."

They sure went through a lot to get to Utah...